The plot of Resident Evil 5 revolves around Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar's investigation of a terrorist threat in Kijuju, a fictional region in Africa. Chris soon finds he has to confront his past in the shape of old enemy Albert Wesker.Download From site & and site.
The game was announced in 2005, the same year as its predecessor Resident Evil 4 was released, with several staff members from that game and the original Resident Evil being involved. Employed in the game for the first time was the use of motion capture for the cutscenes, making the characters' movements more realistic. Its gameplay was kept similar to the previous installment, though the game's producer Jun Takeuchi said that some thematics from the original game were used.
Resident Evil 5 was released on all its platforms in 2009, eventually outselling its predecessor and becoming the best-selling single game of the franchi.
The game was announced in 2005, the same year as its predecessor Resident Evil 4 was released, with several staff members from that game and the original Resident Evil being involved. Employed in the game for the first time was the use of motion capture for the cutscenes, making the characters' movements more realistic. Its gameplay was kept similar to the previous installment, though the game's producer Jun Takeuchi said that some thematics from the original game were used.
Resident Evil 5 was released on all its platforms in 2009, eventually outselling its predecessor and becoming the best-selling single game of the franchi.
System requirements
System= Core 2 DuoRAM= 1 GB
Video Memory= 256 MB
Size= 576 MB
OS= Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8
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