Ghost Recon Island Thunder In 2010, two years after the events of Ghost Recon, and one year after the events of Desert Siege, Cuba is free, or at least it's supposed to be. Since Fidel Castro's death [in the storyline] in 2006, the island of Cuba is wary of the communist rule it had been under for nearly 50 years. It's time for the first free and open elections since Carlos Prio Socarras, who was overthrown by Batista in the early 1950s. The FDG (El Frente Democratico de la Gente or People's Democratic Front) has fronted a man named Ariel Priego as their candidate. The FDG are an outspoken anti-American political faction that wishes to return Cuba to its long-standing communist dictatorship. Download From site & Site Hop You Like This Game.
The first few missions see the Ghosts conducting operations against arms and drug shipping operations by agents and allies of Priego, the ultimate aim being to prevent any strong-arming of
voters on election day. When election day comes, the Ghosts are responsible for protecting a voting center in Havana, a task that proves none too easy as men loyal to Priego assault the building and take hostages elsewhere in the city. Unsurprisingly, Priego loses the election badly. Becoming desperate, he asks for help from his backers in Colombia, and FARC sends in hired soldiers to take Cuba by force. The Ghosts assist in defeating this effort, and FARC soon decides to cut its losses.
RAM= 512 MB
Size= 188 MB
Video Memory= 64 MB
OS= Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8
The first few missions see the Ghosts conducting operations against arms and drug shipping operations by agents and allies of Priego, the ultimate aim being to prevent any strong-arming of
voters on election day. When election day comes, the Ghosts are responsible for protecting a voting center in Havana, a task that proves none too easy as men loyal to Priego assault the building and take hostages elsewhere in the city. Unsurprisingly, Priego loses the election badly. Becoming desperate, he asks for help from his backers in Colombia, and FARC sends in hired soldiers to take Cuba by force. The Ghosts assist in defeating this effort, and FARC soon decides to cut its losses.
System Requirements
System= Pentium IV CPU 1.7 GHzRAM= 512 MB
Size= 188 MB
Video Memory= 64 MB
OS= Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8
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