Ghost Recon Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon is an American video game series of military tactical shooters, created by Red Storm Entertainment, a game development studio founded in part by American author Tom Clancy.Ghost Recon is an American series of military tactical shooter video games created by Red Storm Entertainment, the game development studio founded in part by American author Tom Clancy. Ghost Recon has also been novelized by Grant Blackwood under the pseudonym David Michaels. Ghost Recon offers some excitingly tense moments, but problems often rear their ugly heads just when the game gets interesting.Ghost Recon puts you in command of a platoon from “The Ghosts, an elite Special Forces unit operating at the vanguard of the US military. Set in the year 2008, Ghost Recon imagines a near future in which ultranationalists have seized power in Russia and begun a campaign of aggression against the former republics of the Soviet Union like the Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan
Game Developers Red Storm Entertainment
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